Registered on July 20, 2008 and updated on July 20, 2008:

Personal Information:
Login: Saachi
Name: Nailah Femi
Location: United Kingdom
Age: 64
Gender: Female
Marital Status: single
Occupation: Artistic Model
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Recent News About Me:
My name is Nailah Femi and I am writing to introduce myself to your agency.
It is my fervent desire to be registered with you with the aim of obtaining modelling work. I do not consider myself to be a conventional model. My appearance is unique and is the result of years of intense, focussed activity. I have also put myself through considerable pain to achieve the look I have today. With hard work and a vision in mind, I have remodelled my face. This has not been done as an exercise in vanity; Rather more as an attempt to effect a deep and profound spiritual transformation within myself. My face reflects who I believe myself to be in an earlier incarnation.

I am 48 years of age. Yet I possess a youthful appearance that makes it difficult to place me in any age category. My finely honed physique is the result of of a disciplined daily regimen of exercise and controlled nutition. The effects are evident for all to see. Many men who are half my age fall in love with me as soon as they see me. Young teenage girls say they envy me, my figure and looks.

My face is an artistic feature which can be used to express an idea or concept that is extraordinary, outlandish, inspirational or just simply beyond the ordinary. I can see myself posing as anything highly unusual and striking in nature.

Indeed I have now become a source of inspiration and guidance for people who feel alienated from society. Those people struggling with identity issues often call upon me for guidance. They sense I have passed through what they are currently suffering and are thus instinctively drawn to me.

Through my website on My Space I am known to thousands of people around the world. Indeed it would not be far wrong to say that I have amassed something akin to a personal following. People are fascianted by me: By my appearance and by my fascianting and highly unusual life story. I feel that if an appropriate niche market can be identified for me the potential for success is huge. I could head a campaign that is aimed at some special group, one that would appreciate my unique personal and talents.

My Hobbies:
to love

Personal Quote:
I am because I love

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