Blog for fred

An explanation of me!
On Monday July 3, 2006, 22:21, fred wrote: [ 45 ]
User Blog

I am a member of The Ermine Street Guard roman re-enactment society. I have a radio show on Celtica Radio ( I make films and I work on a freelance basis as a cameraman, director, assistant director and funnily enough, act. The day job (the one that pays the bills) is as a medical technician in an oncology centre (nuclear medicine). A question that is often asked of me is how do you have the time? Well not all of these things happen at the same time. If you want to know more get in touch and I'll share my time management secrets with you. LOL

All about me!
On Wednesday June 28, 2006, 14:45, fred wrote: [ 20 ]
User Blog

Hi all, Been sitting on the sidelines reading the blogs before putting my two pennies worth in! I have been working as an extra since 1990 and have appeared in numerous TV progs. I am currently working as 1st AD on a TV show pilot so with a bit of luck it will take off. The last program I worked on in front of the camera was "Magic Grandad" with Peter Armitage and Samantha Beckinsale. I have been in various dramatised documentaries of particular note was one about female gladiators. I was in the crowd scenes and I was a character who walked into shot as well as slave who opened the gates! Phew. I get everywhere!
Unfortunately I won't be able to make it to the photoshoot but I will be uploading some pics soon. Anyway good luck to you all - catch you soon.
